Support Our Students.
Support Our Economy.
Vote YES on the Bond!
Early Voting Begins October 9th!
Vote Yes to continue the QCUSD override funding
By state law, QCUSD has to ask voters every 5 years to reauthorize the override. A YES vote is simply continuing the current local funding without any additional tax increase. The Queen Creek Unified School District (QCUSD) override prioritizes our students first through investments in academic supports and, manageable class sizes with additional staff resources when needed. In additional it supports our teachers, support staff, and custodial and maintenance staff and allows QCUSD to have signature programs like JROTC, Gifted, STEM, and our Career and Technical Education programs.
High-quality schools play an integral role in student achievement and the local economy. Ensuring our students have modern and safe schools will be an attraction for businesses to locate in Queen Creek, bringing high-paying jobs and broadening economic opportunities for our community.

What A YES Vote On the Override Means for Queen Creek:
· Increased academic supports
· Maintain current academic programs that prepare students for postsecondary success
· Maintain art and music classes throughout the district
· Maintain school security to maintain a safe and secure learning environment
· Ensure adequate staff levels to maintain smaller class sizes.
· Maintain competitive salaries to retain and attract exception teachers and staff
· Maintain the ROTC program
· Maintain gifted programs
· Targeted Interventions
· Teacher Training
· Academic choice that allows more individualized learning and keeps our district “A-rated”
· Teacher training
· All without raising taxes!

What People Are Saying
“Businesses rely on great schools to provide educated and well-prepared workers. We know that local businesses benefit from partnerships with Queen Creek schools and in turn, students benefit from jobs, internships, and mentoring through QCUSD’s business partnerships. The bond election is a wise investment in educational excellence!”
— Mark Schnepf, Owner of Schnepf Farms
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