What is an override?

An override provides additional funding to be used in classrooms to help with student success and teacher retention. Overrides are approved for terms of up to seven years. However, in year 5, the funds begin to decrease, which is my most schools ask voters to reapprove in year five. Queen Creek has an override in place and needs to continue that funding.

How will the override be used?

  • Instructional assistants (teaching assistants)

    • Teaching assistants can work with students who learn at different paces or have different learning styles, providing additional explanations, examples, or exercises tailored to individual needs.

    • Teaching assistants indirectly contribute to the reduction of class sizes. Examples: 2 educators & 26 students = 1:13 ratio

  • Targeted Interventions

    • Secondary math labs (including a Zero hour at JH)

    • A secondary math lab offers an intensive double dose of math instruction for junior high and high school students.

    • Math labs offer targeted intervention and support for students struggling with math.

    • Regular progress monitoring ensures that students are making meaningful strides towards their learning goals.

  • Reading and Math Interventionists

    • Interventionists improve academic achievement by providing targeted support.

    • They design individualized instruction plans for students, tailored to address the specific areas of weakness.

    • Interventionists work with small groups of students who have similar needs.

  • Summer Bridge Programs

    • These play a vital role in helping students make a successful transition to the next level of their academic career and ultimately achieve their academic goals.

    • Elementary (6th grade) to Junior High (7th grade)

    • Junior High (8th grade) to High School (9th grade)

    • A summer bridge program eases the transition between these grades by providing academic preparation in core subjects such as math and/or English.

    • Summer bridge programs assess students’ academic strengths and weaknesses early on, allowing educators to identify any areas where additional support may be needed.

    • Targeted interventions and personalized support plans can address individual students academic needs.

  • Math Teacher Training

    • AMP Partners – The Arizona Mathematics Partnership is a collaboration between the Maricopa Community College District and Arizona Schools in grades 5-8.

 Is this a tax increase?

This is a continuation of the current override and would not be increasing your tax rate any further.

What is the current size of the Queen Creek Unified School District?

The District consists of nine kindergarten through 6th grade schools, two 7th through 8th-grade junior high schools, two 7th through 12th-grade high school and one 9th through 12th-grade high school. District enrollment is approximately 14,700+ students. 

·        Queen Creek High School

·        Eastmark High School

·        Crismon High School[AB1] 

·        Queen Creek Junior High School

·        Newell Barney [AB2] College Prep Accelerated curriculum, uniforms

·        Silver Valley Elementary School

·        Queen Creek Elementary School

·        Jack Barnes Elementary School

·        Gateway Polytechnic Academy

·        Frances Brandon-Pickett Elementary School

·        Faith Mather Sossaman Elementary

·        Desert Mountain Elementary School

·        Katherine Mecham Barney Elementary - Accelerated curriculum, uniforms

·        Schnepf Elementary School

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