The Benefits

A YES VOTE on continuing the Override means:

  • Support salaries and benefits for classroom teachers, support staff, bus drivers, and custodial and maintenance staff.

  • Adequate staff levels to maintain smaller classroom sizes.

  • Provide academic programs like JROTC, Gifted programs, STEM, and Career and Technical education.

  • All without raising taxes! A continuation is just that…it simply extends the local support our community graciously already voted Yes on.  By law, we have to ask voters to continue this every 5 years in order to maintain current salaries and programming.

A YES VOTE on the Bond means:

  • Construction of two new schools to accommodate 4,500 new students over the next eight years.

  • Enhanced security upgrades districtwide to keep Queen Creek students safe.

  • Academic choice that allows more individualized learning and keeps our district “A-rated”

  • Technology infrastructure, including internet and wi-fi upgrades.

  • 1:1 student to digital device standard for secondary.

  • Additions and improvements to the existing school infrastructure including updates to HVAC, a new academic wing, and general facilities and grounds improvements at aging district sites.

  • Supplemental funds received from the state of Arizona through the School Facilities Oversight Board for the construction of new elementary schools, middle school space, and high school space.

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