Why Vote Yes

Significant growth in the Queen Creek Unified School District boundaries and student population are forcing the District to increase capacity.

Did you know?

  • Queen Creek remains the leading destination for families and businesses to locate in Arizona.

  • Queen Creek had the fastest growth among Arizona’s large cities at a rate of 6.7% (Compared to 0.4% in Chandler), and sits in the nation's top 15, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Source: KJZZ

  • In the last decade, Queen Creek’s population more than doubled — a faster rate of growth than any other incorporated area in the state — faster even than Buckeye and Goodyear, which were among the fastest-growing larger cities in the nation. Source: azcentral.com

  • The newly-released census data shows that children under the age of 18 make up nearly one-third of Queen Creek’s population. Source: azcentral.com

  • The student population grew by nearly 15.8% in the past two school years - even during COVID-19.

  • Growth in Queen Creek Unified is projected at 4,500 students over the next 8 years (580 students per year)

  • Without investment in more classroom space, the district will be well beyond capacity in less than 2 years

Great Schools benefit the entire community

  • At Queen Creek Unified School District, our schools do more than just teach students the basics - we prepare them with skills in career, technical and skills based classes which prepare them for jobs available immediately in Queen Creek. (Source: Where Americans Stand On Public K-12 Education)

  • Queen Creek Unified has been partners with the State Land Department and local developers to identify key locations for land that would come at a significantly reduced cost to tax payers when selecting new school locations. (Source: Chamber Business News)

  • For every dollar spend on per pupil funding, housing values increase by at least $20.00 according to a 

  • study by the National Bureau Of Economic Research. (Source: National Bureau Of Economic Research

  • Further, increased funding for efficient public schools, like Queen Creek Unified, have proven to increase the value of local properties to potential residents looking to move to new communities. (Source: USING MARKET VALUATION TO ASSESS PUBLIC SCHOOL SPENDING)

Workforce needs of our community are meet through education

  • Studies and Economists have shown that higher investments in K-12 education fuels greater economic returns for both salaries and gross domestic products. (Source: American Progress)

  • For example, on average stronger skills in mathematics increase a workers salary by a stunning $21,000 each year - over a ten year period, this increase equals an additional $400,000 in an employee’s pocket. 

  • Increased results and academic achievement in writing and reading have shown to increase salaries by $11,000 per year - a high school diploma alone equates to an addition $7,000 per year. 

  • On the other hand, cutting K-12 education funding statewide by even $1 for every $1,000 has resulted in (Source: K–12 Education in The U.S. Economy): 

    • A .3 % reduction in state personal income in the short run

    • A 3.2 % reduction in state personal income in the long run

    • Reduces statewide manufacturing by .4% and manufacturing employment by .9%

    • Cuts small business starts by .4% in the long run

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